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cindytonkin's podcast gives you transcripts and links from every episode.

Produced by Cindy Tonkin, the Consultants' Consultant 

Editing James Ede

Intro and Outro music by Keegan O'Shea, Streethawks, used with Permission

Mar 18, 2019

Amy Hodler works for Neo4j. Here’s her Linked in profile.

Neo4j specialise in graph analytics and the connections between data. I met Amy through the website Givitas

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We’re human. We cannot parallel process.  Take the time to sharpen your own skills and give yourself a rest.  There’s always more to learn.  There are always things you don’t know. 

I mention Givitas, which is related to Adam Grant’s Givers and Takers research and Generosity Burnout. Here are some of the things Amy and I speak about.

  • Amy’s background in Conflict resolution 
  • Why she took on projects she wasn’t quite ready for
  • The worst thing you can do for your brain
  • The all-important “to don’t” list
  • What she looks for in a new recruit: Curiosity balanced with ability to concentrate, variety of things they’re interested in
  • Why she asks potential recruits to describe a process
  • Going beyond the problem the client thinks they have to the actual problem that needs solving
  • We have a scarcity of good language to describe machine learning or AI so how do we get analogies and visuals to help flesh that out: e.g. the difficulties Amy had in explaining machine learning to her mother
  • Amy’s Favourite Charity is a local community charity: the importance of making yourself available to help: the community finds you.
  • How everybody “lies”.  People don’t even know what they want.
  • Why feedback and criticism is like training a dog
  • Working ourselves “stupid”: Importance of sleep, The endless torrent of reading

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