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cindytonkin's podcast gives you transcripts and links from every episode.

Produced by Cindy Tonkin, the Consultants' Consultant 

Editing James Ede

Intro and Outro music by Keegan O'Shea, Streethawks, used with Permission

Nov 26, 2018

Dr Christina Igasto has a strong background in Analytics applied to Health Care, especially in Sweden. Her PhD is in Artificial Intelligence. She is now in Australia. Here's her background on Linked in.

Big ideas from this podcast:

  • the intricacies and multi-layered complexities of digital transformation in government...

Nov 20, 2018

Shailendra Kumar is the author of Making Money out of data. It's not an analytics book, it's a business book.

Shaily is a keynote speaker on data analytics. In this podcast he talks about the "everyone does analytics" phenomenon, the importance of articulating the business problem before anything else, and what makes...